Monday, September 12, 2011

Looking back...

I can't remember the last time I looked at these journal pages from September 2001.  It had been a busy week.  Brent's first dance.  There was a very ill friend in our lives.  We went to the Sandwich Fair.  Julie and Rob's anniversary was coming up.  A neighbor's dog died.  My cousin came in town from Indiana.  And then it was Monday, September 10, 2001.  And look what I wrote - "Heard someone walking upstairs.  What upstairs?"  It was 2:30 in the morning and I was in bed and there is no upstairs.  Hmmm.

The day went on and a dear friend had baked an apple pie and invited us over.  Just "life" going on...

Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001.  We were watching "Good Morning America" and couldn't believe what we were seeing.  I must have just been writing down what I saw and who I heard on television.  I know I still met dear dear friends that day for lunch, just to be together and pray.  And in another part of town, a most wonderfully dear friend died that day. 

"...thou I walk through the valley of death"...I came home, still in disbelief at what had happened, and just kept writing and writing what I heard. 


Robin said...

Wow! Very poignant memories!! I love how you just jotted things down randomly. Really interesting to look back on!!

Suz said...

what upstairs...get back to that

april said...

That's what I said - what upstairs! You know I had forgotten all about that until I read it this morning when I looked back to those days in my old journal. Maybe I didn't even look back ever, after all that happened on Sept 11th. I probably didn't give it a thought after that.