Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Workshop of Little Cards

"The true treasures in life are found in the simplest things." from Nature's Sketchbook by Marjolein Bastin.

Yesterday was my workshop at The Center and we made little gift cards. Above, Linda was off to an enthusiastic start.

Here's Denise searching for images and colors to add to her pile of ideas.
And here is a collection of hers as she is working.

Peggy found an interesting image here and added a part of it onto the envelope for continued interest.

Peggy, busy thinking.

She found just the right message!

Linda's very pretty "sweet dreams" design.

Joan concentrates on the seasons.

Her favorite, Autumn.

Linda was excited over the ideas that kept popping into her head!

It truly was a fun project! I love those "ransom note" letters!


Doris said...

What a great group of pretties going on!

Laura said...

Really looks like a it was a great workshop April

april said...

It was fun and productive - for only 3 hours, we got 4 different styles of cards done!