Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yesterday was "Bookies" and the book of choice for discussion was "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" by Sloan Wilson. I bought my copy at a used book store in Galesburg when we visited Brent. I really don't remember ever seeing the movie. Excellent book!

This morning was collage class and this is the start of my collage. My theme is the Baltic Sea. With Brent being off to Wales, I was excited to drag out my photos of my trip to Europe in 2004. I never thought I would ever be bobbling on the Baltic!

Then, Quilting class this afternoon where I am making one of those rag quilts for Dan. Greens and browns. The patterned cottons are for the squares that make the top of the quilt and the bright green flannel is the middle of the "sandwich" and the flannel backing is the brown with skulls and crossbones.

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