Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Some cause happiness wherever they go. Oscar Wilde


Suz said...

Oh I love that quote
going to put it in my book!
Yes, thank God for little ones.
They are messengers of the Spirit..

butterfly woman said...

I love the photographa. How just the hands and arms are in the photo playing with the deer and all.Rather intriguing. Kind of reminds me of Uta's Zoe's "leg" painting series.
Ah, the freedom of a child's spirit. A wonderful model for all of us as we personally create.

Doris said...

My mother has a doe with twins that eat the crab apples directly beneath her bedroom window. The doe jumps the garden fence and feeds while the youngsters pull leaves through the fencing to munch on.

Ann said...

such sweet little hands!!! perfect for holding!!!